Network Support Library
RoseWare - Network Support Library.iso
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Utilities for Hot Server/Printer Assist
HSUTILS is a set of utilities designed for use with the Hot Server/
Printer Assist program marketed by Fresh Technologies and Ron Turley
Computer Associates.
LAN Sharks is in no way affiliated with either of these organizations.
However, we recommend this product to our clients who require
non-dedicated print servers.
As good as Printer Assist is, there is one big problem with using it
on a Novell network -- the workstation must be signed on to the network
in order to print.
The HSUTILS package provides a solution to this problem:
HSADDPS adds a print server id to your network named HOTSERV. HOTSERV
is given ROS (Read, Open and Search) rights to the SYS:LOGIN directory
(if it is not given these rights, the workstation will have no effective
rights to SYS:LOGIN when HOTSERV is logged in), and set up as a
queue server for all defined network print queues (this may be overkill,
but it beats specifying the queues individually).
HSLOGIN logs the HOTSERV print server into the network and sets two
environmental variables in your master DOS environment.
WS is set to the physical workstation address of the workstation. This
is done so that a LOGIN batch file on the file server can be set up
to load Printer Assist based on the workstation address, e.g.,
IF %WS%$==02068C654321$ HS Q=....
USER is set to HOTSERV.
(On LAN Sharks installed networks, we use the USER environmental
variable to maintain what user is logged into the workstation.)
HSADDALL completes the set of utilities by adding all network users and
defined print servers as queue servers for all print queues.
Once again, this may be overkill, but if you manage a large network,
you don't want to have to specify which users should be made queue
servers, just because they *usually* use certain PCs.
HSADDALL makes sure that all the bases are covered. Run this program
after adding any new print queues or users.
LAN Sharks is a network systems integrator and software developer
located in the Baltimore-Washington area, specializing in Novell
NetWare based networks. For information about LAN Sharks services
and/or software products, write LAN Sharks at:
LAN Sharks
P.O. Box 825
Reisterstown, MD 21136
Other products available include:
SharkMAIL for DOS - An easy to use/easy to administer electronic
mail package for Novell NetWare versions 2.0a and above.
Featuring built-in internetwork support and advanced memory
management techniques that allow SharkMAIL to run in under 1KB
(not a typo) on most PCs.
Available for $250 per file server ($200 until 8/1/89).
Demo versions can be found in the NOVUSER and IBMCOM forums on
CompuServe under the name SHMAIL.ARC.
SharkMAIL for OS/2 - (Available 6/1/89) - An OS/2 Presentation
Manager version of SharkMAIL that runs on top of the Novell NetWare
OS/2 Requestor.
Available for $200 per file server (or $350 for both DOS and OS/2
versions of SharkMAIL).
SharkWARE Utilities - (Available 6/15/89) - Utilities for Novell
NetWare networks including --
SECURE - A reporting utility that lists network groups, their
members and trustee assignments, as well as each network user,
their group memberships and security equivalences, and all
trustee rights (including those by group affiliation or security
SHATTACH - Tired of having workstations default to whichever NetWare
server answers IPX/NET3 first? When SHATTACH is executed after
IPX/NET3, it will wait for the server specified on the command line
to become available.
The HSUTILS are (c) Copyright 1989 by LAN Sharks, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
You are granted permission to freely distribute these utilites, as
long as this copyright notice is retained, and the executable programs
are not modified.